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Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy in Utah

At Health Watch, our speech therapy program is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to individuals experiencing challenges with communication, cognition, and swallowing. Our speech therapists employ a range of techniques tailored to each individual’s needs, focusing on areas such as cognitive retraining, dysphagia management, safe swallowing practices, vocal skills enhancement, food texture recommendations, and cognitive skills development. Below is an overview of our core services:

Cognitive Retraining

Cognitive retraining is a vital component of speech therapy that aims to improve cognitive functions impaired by neurological events, such as strokes or traumatic brain injuries, or degenerative diseases like dementia. Our therapists utilize personalized exercises to enhance memory, attention, processing speed, executive functioning, and problem-solving skills. By rebuilding these cognitive foundations, we empower our patients to regain independence and improve their quality of life.


Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, can result from various conditions, including neurological disorders, cancer, and aging. Our therapists specialize in diagnosing and treating dysphagia, implementing strategies to facilitate safer swallowing. Therapy may include strengthening exercises, posture adjustments, and swallowing techniques, all aimed at minimizing the risk of aspiration and improving the ability to eat and drink safely.

Safe Swallowing

Ensuring safe swallowing is crucial for individuals with dysphagia to prevent choking and aspiration, which can lead to pneumonia. Our program emphasizes education on safe swallowing techniques, including how to modify food and liquid intake. We also provide guidance on proper positioning and strategies to reduce risks during meals, ensuring a safer dining experience.

Vocal Skills

For individuals experiencing vocal strain, hoarseness, or voice loss, our vocal skills training offers a path to recovery and enhancement of the voice. Through vocal exercises, breath control techniques, and lifestyle adjustments, we help patients achieve optimal vocal performance. This training is beneficial for professionals who rely heavily on their voice, such as teachers, singers, and public speakers, as well as individuals recovering from vocal cord damage.

Food Texture Recommendations

As part of our dysphagia management program, we provide food texture recommendations to facilitate easier and safer swallowing. This may involve modifying diets to include softer foods or liquids that are easier to swallow. Our team works closely with nutritionists to ensure that these dietary modifications meet the nutritional needs of our patients while also addressing their swallowing difficulties.

Memory/Problem Solving/Reasoning

Improving cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, and reasoning is a cornerstone of our speech therapy services. Through targeted activities and exercises, we help patients develop strategies to manage daily tasks more effectively, enhance their decision-making abilities, and maintain their cognitive health. This approach not only supports better communication skills but also contributes to a more autonomous and fulfilling life.

At Health Watch, our speech therapy program is committed to improving the lives of those facing communication and swallowing challenges. Through a combination of expert care, personalized therapy plans, and a compassionate approach, we strive to empower our patients to achieve their full potential. Whether addressing cognitive impairments, dysphagia, vocal issues, or other concerns, our team is here to support you every step of the way.